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Maddox In the blockchain

Blockchain Technology Empowering Entrepreneurs

Exploring the transformative power of blockchain technology in revolutionizing industries and empowering entrepreneurs to drive transparency, efficiency, and trust. Discover how blockchain can reshape businesses and address global issues like food waste, supply chain management, and more. Join me on the journey to a better world.


Maddox hates hidden fees

Hur mycket kan det kosta??

Här ska man öppna en affär och inser att alla kostnader hamnar på mig, men allt jag vill är att kunna ta betalt, nu sitter jag fast i en djungel av dolda kostnader som inte ens har någon logik? Man blir så trött!



How we became Sweden’s first event marketing agency!

I used to spend my free time organizing club events in unconventional locations, away from the hustle and bustle. Back then, we relied on traditional methods like printing posters and sending SMS to promote our events. Our focus was on creating unforgettable experiences, from the electrical setups to the sound, lighting, and decor. We were passionate about every detail, from booking artists to ensuring our themes were brought to life. It was a different time, and permits and clear operating hours weren’t as crucial as they are today.


The Smart City is Here

Are you ready for smart cities?

Total transparency can be both a threat and an opportunity. In a fully connected society, efficiency and sustainability become the driving forces behind progress. By integrating blockchain technology across sectors such as transportation, healthcare, energy, and governance, we can create smart cities where automation enhances urban life.


I hate looking for files

Do you hate looking for files?

One day I had enough spending time on looking for files everywhere, and decided to create the perfect structure through all our projects.

Maddox In the blockchain

Blockchain Technology Empowering Entrepreneurs

Exploring the transformative power of blockchain technology in revolutionizing industries and empowering entrepreneurs to drive transparency, efficiency, and trust. Discover how blockchain can reshape businesses and address global issues like food waste, supply chain management, and more. Join me on the journey to a better world.

What is Blockchain?

Seriously, what is blockchain?

To create a blockchain project, you need something with the ability to make unalterable transactions that can be verified. Something that people trust will lead to an increase in price and also leads to corporate adoption.

Burhall Chefer

Blockchain in Fund Management


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the fund management industry faces a critical challenge: a lack of blockchain literacy among top executives. A recent survey conducted by the Global Blockchain Business Council has revealed concerning insights about the understanding of blockchain technology within the industry. This survey sheds light on the urgent need for executives to deepen their knowledge of blockchain in order to stay competitive and innovative in the market. The implications of these findings are profound, as embracing blockchain technology emerges not only as a competitive necessity but also as a pathway to operational excellence and sustainable growth. As the pace of technological advancement accelerates, the question remains: Will fund managers rise to the occasion and seize the transformative potential of blockchain, or risk falling behind in an increasingly digital world? The answer may well shape the future of the fund management industry.

Maddox hates hidden fees

Hur mycket kan det kosta??

Här ska man öppna en affär och inser att alla kostnader hamnar på mig, men allt jag vill är att kunna ta betalt, nu sitter jag fast i en djungel av dolda kostnader som inte ens har någon logik? Man blir så trött!

Maddox Burhall is Bitcoin

What Currency Are You?

Think about it. There are already a lot of options out there for cryptocurrencies, but in the future, there will be even more. And each one of them will be fighting for a cause. So which one will represent your values?

Investera i ekosystem

Investera I Ekosystem För Blockchain

Riskkapitalist om vartannat öppnar fonder nya som fylls med kapital för olika blockchain projekt, Northzone, och EQT är några som skrapat ihop miljarden, men det kräver en strategisk Game Plan.

How we became Sweden’s first event marketing agency!

I used to spend my free time organizing club events in unconventional locations, away from the hustle and bustle. Back then, we relied on traditional methods like printing posters and sending SMS to promote our events. Our focus was on creating unforgettable experiences, from the electrical setups to the sound, lighting, and decor. We were passionate about every detail, from booking artists to ensuring our themes were brought to life. It was a different time, and permits and clear operating hours weren’t as crucial as they are today.

The future of film, interactive product placement.

Product Placement and Celebrity Seeding in Marketing

Product placement has a rich history, dating back to 1873 when it made its debut in the adventure novel “Around the World in Eighty Days” by Jules Verne and William Butcher. However, it remained dormant for a while due to disorganization and negative public perception. It wasn’t until the 1960s that product placements experienced a resurgence and began to grow rapidly.

The Smart City is Here

Are you ready for smart cities?

Total transparency can be both a threat and an opportunity. In a fully connected society, efficiency and sustainability become the driving forces behind progress. By integrating blockchain technology across sectors such as transportation, healthcare, energy, and governance, we can create smart cities where automation enhances urban life.

The Greatest Foodtech in The World

Allt som glimmar kan visst bli till guld, Green Food Life-projektet är en succé, men det behövs mer kapital. Riskkapitalister inom EU har länge diskuterat matsvinnsproblematiken, men de flesta lösningar fokuserar på konsekvenser snarare än förebyggande åtgärder. GreenFood.Life tar en annan väg genom att använda blockchain-teknik för att belöna användare och minska svinnet. Projektet har tidigare presenterats för Naturvårdsverket och RISE, men saknade då kapital för fortsatt utveckling. Nu är det redo för lansering och anses vara en lovande investering för framtiden.”

I hate looking for files

Do you hate looking for files?

One day I had enough spending time on looking for files everywhere, and decided to create the perfect structure through all our projects.

Maddox Burhall on Entrepreneurship

Behind Every Brand, There Is A Great Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are visionaries, problem solvers, and disruptors. They think about the future of their industry or sector in a way that others never have before – which is why they’re so attractive to investors who need people with a drive for business success!.